see also:
Cannot upload or download entries because your current data file is...
Cannot download entries "Web importing error/exception…"
When attempting to download or upload entries to the ShoWorks Web, you receive a runtime error, or
the following message:
Download failed. Your data file did not transfer because:
Your are not connected to the Internet.
Your network is behind a firewall that does not allow ShoWorks to connect.
The User Name/Password is incorrect.
You do not have a ShoWorks Web account.
Go through the following checklist to locate and identify the problem:
Test to ensure that the machine that you are on
is connected to the Internet
can upload by opening your web browser and going to Click the "Go" button. This will run a test which will take a minute. It will return 3 numbers: Ping, Download, and
Upload. Make sure that the
Upload is greater than 1.0 Mbps.
- Try changing to Passive FTP within ShoWorks by going to Tools>Options>Application>Use Passive FTP. If this does not resolve, make sure to change it back (uncheck the box).
- Turn "off" or temporarily disable all Anti-virus and Anti-spyware applications (including Windows Defender) or change their settings to "allow" Microsoft Access and/or ShoWorks activity. To change Windows Defender settings, click the Windows 'Start' button and type 'Windows Defender' and hit the Enter key.
- Ensure that you are logged with a Local Windows account and as the true Administrator of the machine.
- Try temporarily moving (saving) your data file to your
Desktop by selecting File > Save Data File As... To esnure that your file is now actually on the desktop, open the file by selecting File > Open Data File and locate the file on your desktop.
- Ensure that you do not have more than one instance of ShoWorks open (including the ShoWorks Access Companion) by restarting Windows, then starting ShoWorks and trying again.
- Try changing the network profile from "Public" to Work or Private or Home. In Windows 7, Click Start>Control Panel>Network and Sharing Center. Under "Active Networks" choose the network type to something other than Public. In Windows 10, click Start then select the Settings (gear cog) icon in the bottom left corner. Click Network & Internet. Choose Wi-Fi or Ethernet (depending on how you are connected). Click the network (name) that you are currently on (usually listed at the top). Change the network profile to something other than Public.
- Contact your network administrator and have them ensure that the following conditions exist:
- Verify the Group Policy Object (GPO) of the server allows local rules to be used and disable the Domain Policy from the workstation of the user.
- Open Port 80, Port 21, and Port 20
- Whitelist the domains: and and
- Whitelist the IP addresses: and and
- Ensure that the firewall does not have your IP address hidden.
- Ensure that there is not a layer 4 web redirect issue in the firewall.
- Ensure that SIP ALG is disabled on your router. This is a VoIP setting that often causes issues. It should be turned "off". Contact your router manufacturer for instructions on how to both check and turn this off.
- If the above steps do not resolve the issue, Reset your IE Settings (Internet Explorer) settings to their default by following these steps:
- Try resetting the Firewall on the machine. In Windows 10, click Start, then type Firewall & Network Protection. At the bottom, choose Restore firewall to default.