
ShoWorks Online pricing

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Using the ShoWorks Web can easily pay for itself regardless of your staff expense (volunteers or not) because it releases your staff to devote their time towards other duties rather than perform tasks that the exhibitors, clubs, schools, and buyers can easily (and more willingly) do themselves.  More importantly, you can generate revenue from online entries by allowing sponsorships to have banner ads displayed on your online entry forms.

   $250 per session
+ $0.35/per entry¥ for a Basic account, or $0.55/per entry¥ for a Plus account*
+ 1% of transactions§ (whether processed in real-time or delayed. See examples below)
Prices beginning January 1st, 2025 are $0.35/entry for Basic and $0.55/entry for Plus

Use the calculator below to estimate your cost:

Choose your ShoWorks Online account type
How many entries would you take online?
What is the average Entry Fee (if any)?$
How much total $ in auction transactions AND buyer payments would you take online?$
What Edition of ShoWorks do you use?

†A session of ShoWorks online is period of time, typically lasting from a few months leading up to and including the time of an event or period of taking entries, and optionally through a period of registering auction buyers, taking auction add-ons, and/or taking auction payments and billing after an auction, for a given online "account". Most fairs will take all of their entries in only one "account", though some fairs with year-round multiple events (a fair hosting events in the spring and fall) or larger fairs may choose to separate and collect entries accross multiple "accounts" for organizational purposes (different accounts for livestock, creative arts, juniors, open, etc.) though multiple accounts is not necessary in most cases.

¥An entry is an item that is submitted online for an exhibitor with the intent (whether later voided, used or unused) to be judged or used by the fair or show. Examples of entries are a livestock animal, craft, art project, etc. The average exhibitor in North America registers an average of 2 to 4 entries for the fair each year.

*The account type that you choose determines the price per entry across all entries made under that account. A ShoWorks Plus account includes helpful features that allows exhibitors to upload a vast array of media to their entries such as photos, videos, or PDFs, as well as sign secure W-9s and receive vaulted 1099s. ShoWorks Plus entries can also be judged (or pre-judged) online and the results downloaded directly into ShoWorks. Additionally, ShoWorks 2024 users with a ShoWorks Plus account may allow auction buyers to register, update their information, give add-ons to auction items and exhibitors, and pay their auction bills online. Choosing this account type sets the per entry price to all entries made under the account.

§Examples of transactions are published dollar amounts for the selling or payment (real-time or delayed) of goods and services offered online through the ShoWorks system, such as entries, gate passes, tickets, auctions, auction add-ons and/or payments of such. The fee is based on the transaction $ amount. Online entries incur one single transaction when one or multiple entries are submitted including any payment made during this submission. A combined submission of entries and payments on those entries is considered one transaction (one 'click' action is made). So for example, $50 of entries along with a $50 payment made at the time is considered a single $50 transactions and thus 1% ($0.50) is the "transaction fee". The same applies for auction online add-ons: A $50 add-on whether paid or not, will incurr a 1% ($0.50) transaction fee. Buyer bill payments (uploaded from ShoWorks) also incurr a 1% transaction fee. Though ShoWorks does not charge for credit card/e-check processing, your typical banking fees will apply to payments made online.

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