
Cannot move/navigate among different Divisions in the Divisions menu

Article ID: 117056
Category: General
Date Added: 2/26/2015
Date Updated: 8/31/2018


When in the Divisions menu, the user cannot move to a different division record by clicking on a division in the Division Navigator (tree navigator on the right side of the menu).


A) One or more Divisions have an illegal character (apostrophe, quote, etc.) in the spelling of the name


B) the menu is corrupt


C) The needed component (tree navigator) was not installed correctly or Windows permissions have changed which prevent the component from loading.


A) Move among the Divisions by clicking the Next/Back buttons at the very top of the menu and check the spelling of all Divisions, looking for illegal characters above, changing as needed.


B) Download and run the latest update found here.


C) Two steps:

  1. Reinstall ShoWorks but save the downloaded file instead of running first, then right-click on the downloaded file and choose 'Run As Administrator'.
  2. Then if the problem is still not resolved, start ShoWorks by right-clicking on the ShoWorks icon and choosing 'Run As Administrator'. Note: if this process is needed, you can permenantly change the icon to always start as an Administrator by right-clicking on the ShoWorks icon and choosing 'Properties' then 'Compatibility' and placing a check in the box 'Run this program as an administrator'.


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