
No data was found for the report criteria in this report

Article ID: 113025
Category: Reporting
Date Added: 8/14/2003
Date Updated: 8/22/2018


See also the article: One or more entries (or other records) do not show up in custom reports.

When attempting to open a report or clicking Finish in the custom report wizard, the user receives the message:

No data was found for the report criteria in this report.
If this is a filtered report, please check your filter criteria as no records
were found that met this criteria.
If this is a preset report, you may have not entered in any records from where
this report is pulling from.


The report criteria was too constraining (follow the message instructions)


The given report requires that entries be marked Confirmed to Show. The checkbox "Confirmed to Show" is a field on all entries. Prior to March of 2018, the default of this field was set to checked (True/Yes). The default has since been changed to unchecked due to the recent increase in usage of exhibitor self-check-ins at a kiosk using the ShoWorks iPad app which requires that entries be confirmed upon arrival. The resolution is to either manually edit all entries by checking the box (found in the Entries menu), or change the default under Tools>Options>Default Values. Note: changing the default will affect only newly created entries, however you are given a prompt box to also change all existing entries upon changing the default.

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